Congratulations, you just completed your 14-day EA Challenge!

We’re so proud of you and you should be too. Where do you go from here you may ask? We know it’s not always easy to keep up these daily habits, but you are well on your way on building a strong foundation (they say it takes 21 days to make a habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change).

We suggest continuing to take small, manageable steps, and figure out what’s most sustainable for you. You will probably not eat, manage stress, exercise, or sleep perfectly every day, but that’s ok, you’re in it for the long run, and it’s all about balance. Keep trying your best to make good decisions about your health and you’ll start to see changes that will motivate you to keep going!

Remember patience, consistency and self belief are the 3 key ingredients to make your goals a reality. Anyone can set a goal, but being consistent, showing up day-in and day-out is what really separates success in the long-term.

High-five team, you did it!


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