How is your daily challenge of drinking 2L of water going? We know it can be challenging, so here are a few tips on some of the best times to drink water throughout the day, and why!


There are many guidelines about how much water to drink, in general 2L is a good rule of thumb. If you would like a more precise guideline, the water intake recommendations from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine suggest men drink at least 13 (8 oz) cups of fluids per day and that women aim for 9 (8 oz) cups of fluids or more. It’s not just water that keeps you hydrated, any beverage containing water contributes toward your daily intake, but of course there are many reasons why water is still the better choice.

Regardless of your hydration goal, drink consistently throughout the day to keep every system in the body functioning properly 🙂


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